The Marathi movie “Subhedar” is a historical drama that tells the story of Tanaji Malusare, a Maratha warrior who sacrificed his life to build the victory pylon of Swarajya on the summit of Sinhagad fort. The film stars Ajay Purkar as Tanaji, Mrinal Kulkarni as Rajmata Jijau, and Chinmay Mandlekar as Shivaji Maharaj.
The performances in “Subhedar” are top-notch. Ajay Purkar is excellent as Tanaji, bringing a sense of strength, determination, and sacrifice to the role. Mrinal Kulkarni is also impressive as Rajmata Jijau, portraying her as a strong and compassionate leader. Chinmay Mandlekar is solid as Shivaji Maharaj, bringing a sense of charisma and vision to the role.
The film has also been a commercial success, collecting over ₹20 crores at the box office. This is a significant achievement for a Marathi film, and it is a testament to the quality of the film.
The film’s budget was ₹15 crores, which is a relatively high budget for a Marathi film. However, the film’s makers have ensured that the money has been well-spent, with the film being visually stunning and well-made.
The film is also historically accurate, with the makers taking great pains to ensure that the film is faithful to the events that it depicts. This makes the film an educational experience as well as an entertaining one.
Overall, “Subhedar” is a well-made film that is sure to please fans of historical dramas. The performances, collection, budget, and history all make this one a good watch.