Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said that India’s mantra is “Virasat Bhi, Vikas Bhi” (Culture and Development Together) as he addressed the G20 Culture Ministers’ Meet in Bologna, Italy.
Modi said that India has a rich and diverse culture that is a source of pride for the country. He said that India is committed to preserving its cultural heritage and promoting its cultural diversity.
Modi also said that India is a land of innovation and creativity. He said that India is committed to using culture as a tool for development.
Modi said that India is a rising power in the world and that it is playing an increasingly important role in the global economy. He said that India is committed to working with other countries to promote cultural cooperation and understanding.
The G20 Culture Ministers’ Meet is being held in Bologna, Italy from July 11-12, 2023. The theme of the meeting is “Culture for Sustainable Development”.
The meeting is being attended by culture ministers from the G20 countries. The ministers will discuss ways to use culture as a tool for sustainable development.
The meeting is also expected to discuss the role of culture in promoting peace and understanding between countries.
In his address, Modi said that India is committed to using culture as a tool for sustainable development. He said that India is working to promote cultural tourism and to use culture to create jobs and generate income.
Modi also said that India is committed to promoting cultural diversity and to building bridges between cultures. He said that India is a land of many religions and cultures and that it is committed to respecting all cultures.
The G20 Culture Ministers’ Meet is a significant event for India. It is an opportunity for India to showcase its rich and diverse culture and to highlight its commitment to using culture for sustainable development.
The meeting is also an opportunity for India to build relationships with other countries and to promote cultural cooperation and understanding.
The success of the G20 Culture Ministers’ Meet will be a major boost for India’s cultural diplomacy efforts. It will also be a significant step forward in India’s efforts to promote sustainable development and to build a more peaceful and prosperous world.
Here are some of the key takeaways from the G20 Culture Ministers’ Meet:
- The ministers agreed on the importance of culture for sustainable development.
- They committed to working together to promote cultural tourism and to use culture to create jobs and generate income.
- They also agreed on the importance of promoting cultural diversity and building bridges between cultures.
- The ministers concluded the meeting by calling for more cooperation between countries in the field of culture.
The G20 Culture Ministers’ Meet was a success and it is a positive sign for the future of cultural diplomacy. The ministers’ commitment to using culture for sustainable development and to promoting cultural diversity is a step in the right direction. The meeting also highlighted the importance of cooperation between countries in the field of culture.